
Libraries and library workers provide essential services to our communities, but they are being undervalued and under-resourced. Cutbacks are resulting in larger workloads and increased stress for library workers. A few key challenges include:

  1. Automation. Self check-out machines are reducing the amount of staff present to assist patrons in person. In person service allows for better communication and fewer complications.
  2. Reduction of staff. Staff with a specific expertise when working with the community is lacking, particularly when working with children or seniors. This has resulted in individuals and families being left to navigate library systems independently, only increasing barriers for those that may need it the most.
  3. Budget restrictions. The budget for books is being cut to compensate for the cost to keep up with technology advances and day-to-day business. Overall funding lags behind.

More than ever, we need safe public places like libraries to learn, to access resources essential to our well-being, and to connect with others. Join us in raising awareness and urging decision-makers to recognize the important role libraries and library workers play in communities across B.C. by sharing why libraries matter in your community. 

Pledge your support today for B.C.’s community libraries and receive updates throughout the campaign!


Pledge your support for community libraries

By submitting this form I consent to sharing my story with the BCGEU for the purposes of sharing on the union’s social media channels, with other members and with the provincial government in advocating for B.C. Libraries. Names will not be shared for stories submitted anonymously.

Making communities stronger

"Libraries are much needed spaces for gathering, sharing knowledge and facilitating social progress. Everyday, library workers are busy educating, ensuring inclusivity and building a sense of community. It's high time we honour our libraries and our library workers."

Tanya Boyd
Lead Library Assistant, Fort St. John Public Library

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